Spay and Neuter FAQs

Spay/Neuter Procedure/Surgery FAQs from a Veterinarian Near You

When you are considering a spay/neuter appointment for your pet, but you have questions about the procedure/surgery, our staff at Farview Veterinary Hospital in Independence, MO, have the answers. From what to expect during the procedure to why it is important to have your pet fixed, we can guide you through the process from start to finish.

Spay and Neuter FAQs

The following questions and answers provide general information about the procedures.

Q. At What Age Can a Dog or Cat Be Spayed or Neutered?

A. Pets can usually have either procedure at six months old. Your pet's health status and size can be a factor that can affect when the procedure can be done.

Q. Is My Pet Awake during the Surgery?

A. Your dog or cat will be under general anesthesia and monitored throughout the procedure.

Q. Will My Pet Be in Pain?

A. The vet will prescribe pain medication to alleviate any discomfort resulting from the procedure.

Q. How Long Do the Procedures Take?

A. The procedure for male canines being neutered can take around five to twenty minutes; male cats usually take less than 5 minutes. Factors affecting the time it takes are the pet's age and size. Spaying of felines averages 15 to 20 minutes; spaying for female dogs runs 20 to 90 minutes. Factors affecting the time the procedure takes for females depend on age, size, and if she is in her heat cycle. Generally, recovery time is 30 minutes or less.

Q. Are the Procedures Risky for My Pet?

A. Apprise the vet of any medical condition your pet is being treated for and any medications he or she is taking before scheduling the procedure, so the vet can make any adjustments.

Q. What Complications Can I Expect when My Pet Comes Home?

A. Following the vet's instructions is important, which will include keeping your pet quiet and non-active while incisions are healing. If your pet is active, it can cause the incision to open, which leads to bleeding and the potential for becoming infected or inflamed.

Q. Does Spaying or Neutering Benefit My Pet's Health?

A. Yes. Your pet will have protection from serious diseases, which include several types of cancer, once either procedure is completed.

Get Veterinary Care and Spay/Neuter Procedure/Surgery from a Veterinarian Near You

Our Farview Veterinary Hospital is here to help. Contact our Independence, MO, staff to support your pet's health. Call us at (816) 257-5454 for veterinary care from a veterinarian near you.




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